Simkhv comments

[8] [2] [1]

04-November-2016 Friday
Not confused

19-August-2016 Friday
Just Kamaz, in which Kamaz, which pulls Kamaz, in which Gazelle, in which Oka ...

18-August-2016 Thursday
Karina Barbie staged a naked picket near the State Duma in protest against the new design of VK.

13-August-2016 Saturday

09-August-2016 Tuesday
Cats don't care where the box is

09-August-2016 Tuesday
Looks like I'm in for a surprise...

02-August-2016 Tuesday
Inside the wave...

28-July-2016 Thursday
Nail people.

28-July-2016 Thursday
Where you will always be understood...

22-July-2016 Friday
Born in a shirt

20-July-2016 Wednesday
John Pertwee, Third Doctor

19-July-2016 Tuesday
We drive a mustang in the browser (physics test)

01-June-2016 Wednesday
The video recorder filmed the moment of the collapse of the house in Mezhdurechensk

25-May-2016 Wednesday
What does it mean?

13-May-2016 Friday
Madrid covered in a toxic cloud of smoke from burnt tires

13-May-2016 Friday
Wire strongman

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