worst comments
Our Response to the Demolition of Monuments to Soviet Soldiers in Poland
How dare he?
Cardboard "Michelangelo"
Response to the post “A relative was called up, although he did not serve for 42 years”
Don't look at age
How much is a human life worth?
Authorus or the second "fitservice"
Gimli grew over the summer
Response to the post "How IKEA makes you buy more"
Ukrainians in NEW YORK
Response to the post "Estonia. Attitudes towards the Russian-speaking population"
In Tashkent, a fight broke out between a man and two women because of a queue in a medical clinic
Reply to Dandy's post
Reply to "Sad"
Boys and girls who en masse ask the collective mind of Pikabu to help them meet their soulmate in the new year
Izhevsk evenings
The second time you won't be able to see it