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16-January-2024 Tuesday
Sex within marriage

04-December-2023 Monday
Series about Zilantkon - Alternative to the Word of Matsana

09-August-2023 Wednesday
Response to the post "In defense of smokers"

03-July-2023 Monday

02-November-2022 Wednesday
Is it because I pay you too much and you're lazy?

01-June-2022 Wednesday
Patenbrigade: Wolff - working class singers

30-May-2022 Monday
Procrustean bed of the Russian effective manager

19-April-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Now it's called 'gathered the reaction of the audience'"

07-May-2021 Friday
Need some advice. Issuance of credit cards by Sberbank

06-May-2021 Thursday
Difference in business mentalities. The role of the leader

30-April-2021 Friday
Difference in business mentalities. Multitasking

26-April-2021 Monday
Difference in business mentalities. Part 3

23-April-2021 Friday
Difference in business mentalities. Part 2

22-April-2021 Thursday
Difference in business mentalities. Part 1

15-April-2021 Thursday
The trap of expectations or will fines help?

01-April-2021 Thursday
Agile methodology is when everyone bends for you

23-March-2021 Tuesday
Project office without projects

24-August-2020 Monday
The result of the Belarusian protests

03-April-2020 Friday
The Church does not forget about us

31-January-2020 Friday
Criticism in Scandinavian style

05-November-2019 Tuesday
The flight is normal (distribution of cases about the trial period from HH)

01-November-2019 Friday

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