06-June-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “How a man left me”

23-November-2021 Tuesday
Elite covers, you need to have time to buy while discounts

12-April-2021 Monday
Reply to the post “Pull yourself together”

20-March-2021 Saturday
A story from the life of a parrot that was just taken out of a jar yesterday

08-September-2020 Tuesday
The story of one small (no), but proud parrot family

04-September-2020 Friday
When God tells you to stop

20-April-2020 Monday
Chicken escaped from a quarantine cage)

27-March-2019 Wednesday
How to explain to grandma..

03-March-2019 Sunday
Soon there will be "Peekaboo? What is it? Oh, probably some kind of local resource"

02-January-2019 Wednesday
Adult and child - an equal sign?

12-September-2018 Wednesday
Tolerants take note

19-March-2018 Monday
Comrade Major, well, have a conscience ..
