best comments
Reply to "Upstairs Neighbors"
VDNH map looks like a millennium falcon
Unusual trophy)))
It works both ways
The man has a problem
The Leningrad language is like that!
A little about cheese!
Unusual trophy)))
Saint Petersburg
Devil Salma :)
Response to the post “Referendum on banning electric scooters in St. Petersburg”
Give me a brotherly lift
Peter. Manicure.
Heinz will release mayochup (ketchunez) in the United States if 500,000 people vote yes
Way to save life on the road
And then they complain that they are being shot down .....
Pike. For those who are looking for basic knowledge.
Optical fiber in the apartment
Shop in Texas
Unusual trophy)))
Two sadists who brutally tortured and killed a parrot will go to jail