worst comments
Reply to the post "I know traffic rules"
Modern stops
How about stirring up a revolution?
Italian man slept with 6,000 women and died during sex
We make a big cool color music in the room!
Entourage-courage-montage and heaters
Ballot stuffing
We make a big cool color music in the room!
school toilet
Rosatom bought out 98% of the shares of the South Korean manufacturer of energy storage devices Enertech
Rating of presidential candidates. Virus?
The answer to the post "A new level of alternative development?"
Pig's joy
Nokia: return
We make a big cool color music in the room!
Alimony after dismissal.
May 9 in Ulyanovsk ended in tragedy
New laws that the State Duma has already adopted today on the last day of the autumn session
Magic remote.
Modern stops
I never get bored with her!
For nefig!
I did everything according to the rules in Moscow
Hands down
marble post
I did everything according to the rules in Moscow
Your own corner
Khabarovsk 2022. The option "Winter has suddenly come" is activated
Practice polyrhythmy
Our (prices) are already near Berlin
New laws that the State Duma has already adopted today on the last day of the autumn session
Egg benedict with trout and red caviar on brioche
Ballot stuffing
Who lost their daughter?
"An airplane sleep mask has different sides, depending on whether you want the flight attendant to wake you up for meals or
This is what I lost.
Yak-24. The flying car of the Soviet Union.
Impressive tattoo
A little about security
Not everyone has given up yet
I suddenly found out how long I've been sitting here ..
Speed ??bump
Genius PR)))
I went to the store
Russian consulate in New York invites citizens to the 2018 elections
Fuck the mirrors
My morning.
My morning.
The robber after 43 years compensated for the cost of the stolen chocolate bar.
The pirate bought the game
In Ufa, a man was accused of raping a dog.
Ah, those legs...!
Egg benedict with trout and red caviar on brioche
How to convey pain through the screen
Last sunset of winter
Join the league of stupid
Ride on a scooter
New laws that the State Duma has already adopted today on the last day of the autumn session
Again about qr
It's a challenge!
Russian Post in Russia
Well, son, are you sailing?
Cry from the heart
Man explaining brain tiktok blogger to her questions
10 books that were forbidden to read.
Post office. Branch in Novosibirsk at the Ballast Quarry.
Aggressive behavior on the road.
Neighbors from above block the heating riser
Correct sign
Correct sign
Attention attention!
A resident of Saratov, Mikhail Volkov, has grown a pine forest on the site of a landfill. Hares and pheasants already live there!
About distrust of allergy sufferers
Flashlight for going to the toilet
Memnoe about Leo on the designer
Response to the post "Heartbreaking news from St. Petersburg"
A little about the nature of Kolyma
Old man
Greece: Communist Party members blocked a train carrying US-NATO military equipment
Who wants a piece?
A girl's memory...
Greedy kid
Successfully moored
Response to the post "Laima Vaikule and Alla Pugacheva supported me for 6 years"
Let's push, brothers!
Well let's go
I did everything according to the rules in Moscow
Did not dodge
compressed air can
The USSR also had canned beer
Girl in the hospital
New level of laziness
Received on merit
Setting up a hiding place. Cunningly!
Updated rating of video cards - April 2023
Here's another fan
Breakfast. Great morning before work, what did you have for breakfast? :)
About hard workers. I'm a washing machine repairman!
Peekaboo app not on play store?
The personification of insanity.
The idea about not tuned light in the car
When you use your brain 100%
Guys, what can you eat from this?
scuba diver
Not again, but again.
Ballot stuffing
When did you decide to go in for sports
Emma Roberts
Entourage-courage-montage and heaters
For vacationing Russians came up with a new tax
I broke down
"Spider-Man" saved a child by climbing to the fourth floor in 30 seconds
Eve In Paradise
Sad truth
League of Electricians Help
Dude, what's the plug? bmw e36
Experts on the Chernobyl accident
Calling the police helped the car owner to issue an OSAGO policy
Happy Thursday night song
Sugomak cave and Mica mines
Jail next door
Dear comrades pikabushniki, I ask for your help
Dear comrades pikabushniki, I ask for your help
Testing of new compartment cars with showers and safes began in Russia
Give a Compendium 2018
Looks like it didn't work well
I summon the power of Pikachu!
Neighbors for * whether
Unrest in the Arkhangelsk region. and Komi: burning bridges, blocking roads, harassing activists
The coast of Barcelona.
Artists knew how to have fun before :)
Everything about hacking PS4
Here's a goon)
Here's a goon)
Here's a goon)
The series "Kitchen" or open your own restaurant "Claude Monet"
The girl cut the kitten with an ax
Gift flash drive
The Briton put a jammer in front of traffic cameras and showed the middle finger. But the muffler didn't work.