worst comments
How Battlefield 1 will be released
Do you love me?
A new murder of a disabled person, and also a teenager
Revolution in color
After winning the lottery, the Canadian quit and left the girl with whom they dreamed of a prize
Like in Germany...
Egyptian lawyer calls rape a national duty
Adorable relationship comics from Catana, the girl who draws her life
Do you love me?
In the Lipetsk region, a sadist beat his wife to death and filmed it on a mobile phone.
Everything you need to know about...
Stalin's dacha
The title decides
The Great Patriotic War.
There are no grounds for an emergency, but children are being taken out: what is happening in Crimean Armyansk?
Combination of our and foreign films
Bryansk official: "Victory" is of no value
Mother and child killed in road accident in Babino
How Playstation "take care" of customers
Life in America through the eyes of slaves
The owner of BOBCAT TV ARSLAN VALEEV, bitten by a snake on air, died
Revolution in color
Diary of a commando (2nd RCV)
Became known the signs of a man who shot a policeman at the metro station "Kurskaya"
Slums under the wing of the MO
Change with consequences
Vitaly Tretyukhin, a Moscow opposition deputy, had the glass broken in his car at night and the severed head of a pig was left in it.
How Playstation "take care" of customers
Google street
Sometimes, it's better not to make a beautiful swan out of an ugly duckling...
Sometimes, it's better not to make a beautiful swan out of an ugly duckling...
First snow in Vladivostok
Notes on Germany #1: The Russian Embassy in Berlin
According to Komistat, the average salary is not lower than 40k
Well, you hate
Explosive bullets and psychic attack. Front-line memoirs
Became known the signs of a man who shot a policeman at the metro station "Kurskaya"
Diary of a commando (2nd RCV)
A little about politics!
Arrived #99
Like in Germany...
Styob is our everything!
The Philippines is covered in blood: at the call of the new president, drug addicts and drug dealers are being massacred.
Concrete bridge collapsed under car in Svobodny
The Walking Dead: GTA V
The story of one salvation..
Emotional speech of a businessman at an economic forum and criticism of a member of EdRo
What specialty did you graduate from?
Became known the signs of a man who shot a policeman at the metro station "Kurskaya"
Became known the signs of a man who shot a policeman at the metro station "Kurskaya"
State Duma approves bill on life sentence for pedophiles
In Murmansk, teenagers beat a schoolgirl half to death
Do you love me?
Said it suddenly and bluntly
The Japanese want to drive the American military out of their country.
Lawyer's Notes Part 221
The 12 million missing from VTB Bank belonged to a top manager of Gazprom.
How Battlefield 1 will be released
Chechens staged a mass brawl in Bashkiria
In Akhtubinsk (Astrakhan region), three boys raped a 6-year-old girl
About the necessary defense, qualified by the investigation as murder
Epic dol..fuck or how I got scammed
Everything for people
They want to dismiss Poklonskaya from the post of deputy head of the State Duma committee
And here are the first consequences of rising gasoline prices ...
Muslims. Or how to live among strangers.
The court refused to suspend the sentence of the guilty in the death of the "drunk boy".
Joke about Patriarch Kirill
Yekaterinburgers are being held hostage in Abkhazia after an accident
Skinner from Gelendzhik
The monster doused the dog with water and left it to die on the street.
Berdchanin, who was threatened with almost 10 years, was released in the courtroom.
US debate
The killer of a Rosneft employee and her children does not agree with a life sentence
There are no grounds for an emergency, but children are being taken out: what is happening in Crimean Armyansk?
Well, you hate
Slavery in the 21st century
Explosive bullets and psychic attack. Front-line memoirs
About the necessary defense, qualified by the investigation as murder
Fuck @ nutty we have no peace ...
Valentina Matvienko criticized the CEO of Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov
For lovers of a small threesome* #96
Confessions of a dog lover
How to decorate a room for the new year?
How to decorate a room for the new year?
Underage bastards in Nizhny Novgorod.
Work close to home!
abandoned villages
Chechens staged a mass brawl in Bashkiria
About employers
Constitutional Court Legalizes Marijuana Consumption in Georgia
A little about politics!
A journalist asked Putin a question at a press conference about the generation of the state "elite"
Attack of dogs in Chelyabinsk or "I won't get anything anyway!"
Shot and hanged. Three pedophiles publicly executed in Yemen
Confrontation between Russian justice and Armenian impudence
"Cultural" developers of the OpenDomofon application
A single mother tried to earn some money and went to court.
"They said that the cars would be mutilated, and they would shoot us"
Vologda officials stole the work of a contestant and appointed a switchman... part 4
Tsepovyaz, who is in the colony, was outraged by the reaction of people to his photo with caviar and crabs
Muslims. Or how to live among strangers.
Baron disagrees.
Photographs of a German tourist.
Credit in MFI
Appeal of residents of the city of Inta to the President of the Russian Federation
Nothing unusual. "Well, he's a bum"
Shadow paid!
The sister of the major from "Museon" Valery Romanov knocked down pedestrians grandmother and granddaughter.
Good salary increase