Shkipper76 comments, page 16

[18] [17] [16] [15] [1]

27-March-2022 Sunday
When you find out that Caesar can do several things at the same time and decide to develop your multitasking skills

27-March-2022 Sunday
Adventures of Vasya Sewage Collector on Central TV

28-February-2022 Monday
In the light of recent events, I would like to confess

06-February-2022 Sunday
Camera obscura

14-January-2022 Friday
Today is Friday, so, traditionally, I would like to hear your versions of the description of the picture!

14-January-2022 Friday
Remember the wonderful game. Worms Armageddon

25-November-2021 Thursday
Small act of a big man

23-November-2021 Tuesday
When a person falls asleep and you can finally turn into a princess

22-November-2021 Monday
When it's corporate photography day and the photographer asks you to smile

19-November-2021 Friday
Continuation of the post - Second birthday. One year later

15-October-2021 Friday
Today is Friday, so, traditionally, I would like to hear your versions of the description of the picture!

[18] [17] [16] [15] [1]
