Shiip comments, page 9

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14-June-2013 Friday
Pavlov's dog

24-May-2013 Friday
Beaver everyone! :)

13-May-2013 Monday
Anti-Caucasian unrest swept the south of Ukraine because of the murder of a young man and a pregnant girl by an Armenian. AT

10-May-2013 Friday
Guitarists and pseudo guitarists will understand

07-May-2013 Tuesday
Emmure vocalist nearly electrocuted while performing in Moscow

04-May-2013 Saturday
And here is my hobby

30-April-2013 Tuesday
Valuable coins (slightly long picture)

27-April-2013 Saturday
If it comes to that ...

25-April-2013 Thursday
so harry...

21-April-2013 Sunday
Let's revive the USSR

20-April-2013 Saturday

18-April-2013 Thursday
New single from Black Sabbath

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Great Patriotic War in color.

14-April-2013 Sunday
To the Patriarch during Lent

14-April-2013 Sunday
School - Univer

14-April-2013 Sunday
Noize MC concert in Moscow.

12-April-2013 Friday
Thai Metalists!!!

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