Shevamaria posts

28-July-2022 Thursday
Interesting review

21-November-2018 Wednesday
Have you joined the clinic yet?

21-November-2018 Wednesday
The main thing is not to answer ...

27-August-2018 Monday
When you are asked to do something important at work

15-August-2018 Wednesday
A newborn girl was cut with a scalpel on the head during a caesarean section

13-March-2016 Sunday

08-September-2015 Tuesday
You don't even have to stress

07-September-2015 Monday
Yandex seems to be hinting? ..

08-August-2015 Saturday
Zhirinovsky production))

17-June-2015 Wednesday
cosplay peel

09-June-2015 Tuesday
And which one do you use?

08-May-2015 Friday
Brad Pitt is no more

17-October-2014 Friday
This look...

25-September-2014 Thursday
Doesn't it remind anyone?

20-August-2014 Wednesday

14-August-2014 Thursday
good and evil

23-May-2014 Friday
Long-eared owl chicks
