Shelest38 posts

11-May-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Dagestanians rushed to the aid of passengers of a bus that fell into the river during an accident in St. Petersburg”

06-March-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "Import Substitution"

11-December-2021 Saturday
Looking for a book, fiction, hits

30-March-2019 Saturday
Are you a citizen or citizen?

27-May-2018 Sunday
Black cloak, hurries on....

21-April-2018 Saturday
GPU chip, on the video card.

27-March-2018 Tuesday
Part-time work for medical workers

21-August-2017 Monday
Attack, not terrorist attack

09-August-2017 Wednesday
Programmer for trial and for work!

23-July-2017 Sunday
But a chic PIR turns out!

26-March-2017 Sunday
And on business, and in the forest.

22-December-2016 Thursday
What will we display on the screen?
