Shedda posts

24-December-2018 Monday
Customer support in the bank - a look from the other side.

01-December-2016 Thursday
About victims, executioners and moral onanism.

29-November-2016 Tuesday
Gift a Smite account

15-October-2016 Saturday
Everyone sees me as a drug addict

22-September-2016 Thursday
The new blocking of Flibusta or insanity is gaining momentum.

13-September-2016 Tuesday
Reflections of a misanthrope

11-July-2016 Monday
About vegans and not only.

16-May-2016 Monday
How I bought an "electronic cigarette" from an experienced smoker.

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Media viruses: the principle of action (graphomania and post snobbery).

29-December-2015 Tuesday
After death

12-December-2015 Saturday
The Russia we have lost.

05-December-2015 Saturday
Do we know the classics?

27-November-2015 Friday
The whole point in one sentence

20-November-2015 Friday
Illiteracy as it is.

19-October-2015 Monday
Refugees, who should pay for them?

08-October-2015 Thursday
Overkill with propaganda.

29-August-2015 Saturday
Why do we need censorship and propaganda?

14-March-2015 Saturday
Packs of dogs

13-March-2015 Friday
The murder of Nemtsov: the reasoning of an amateur.

11-August-2014 Monday
Why was I so ashamed?

10-August-2014 Sunday
Why are there so many incompetent people in the FSKN?

30-July-2014 Wednesday
Doesn't it look like anything?
