Shadenvy comments

[4] [2] [1]

06-June-2013 Thursday
This is Russia baby.

06-June-2013 Thursday
A voice familiar to us from childhood!)

06-June-2013 Thursday
A friend made pies, they were supposed to be funny emoticons...

06-June-2013 Thursday
Steam decided to troll)))

06-June-2013 Thursday
It turns out that not only cats lie on the keyboard)

06-June-2013 Thursday
Flood results in Europe

06-June-2013 Thursday
Budget car cover

06-June-2013 Thursday
Desktop. Something like this..

06-June-2013 Thursday
How to get a neighbor

06-June-2013 Thursday

06-June-2013 Thursday
my sister's cat

05-June-2013 Wednesday
Where is the bear from?

04-June-2013 Tuesday
so, no?

03-June-2013 Monday
About the current morals of shkoloty.

03-June-2013 Monday

03-June-2013 Monday
They said that there are adequate ones among them ... Here is the proof: German Sadulaev, from the book "Wolf Leap. Essays on the Political History of Chechnya."

02-June-2013 Sunday
Russia, what is there)

01-June-2013 Saturday
Friendly and hospitable guy)

24-May-2013 Friday

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