ShPetrovich comments

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10-October-2021 Sunday
Continue reading "Affordable Housing"

05-October-2021 Tuesday
Who said they didn't?

02-October-2021 Saturday
Reply to the post "Sick"

01-October-2021 Friday

17-September-2021 Friday
Reply to the post "Caucasian taxi driver"

13-September-2021 Monday
Response to the post "I always knew that car dealers are worse than realtors"

09-September-2021 Thursday
The Negro decided to take over the country with the help of the school))

03-September-2021 Friday
We will survive such a flood, wait a minute ...

15-August-2021 Sunday
Everything you need to know about US politics

27-July-2021 Tuesday
In the Krasnodar Territory, inspectors of a special company of traffic police were detained

26-June-2021 Saturday
Do you know what each Lexus model name means?

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