worst comments
On the Japanese subway
And again about the natural makeup loved by men
I'm a mother at uni. Teacher stories.
A short story about how girls tuck a blanket into a duvet cover.
Did not wait from the army.
Generation problem
Generation problem
Puffy nostalgia
On the Japanese subway
By love..
With good intentions
Hours living in the present
Babies have a sense of humor.
Babies have a sense of humor.
Gift from the former on New Year's Eve
it happened to me
Tsap-scratch :)
Mat is radioactive!
Tatarcha Trap Biyu |
Sports kote
Sports kote
I think I know who will win the war
They will say “classmates”, but I like this attitude towards my own homes
I decided to knit a hat for my pet, in my opinion, he didn’t really like my idea
I realized that cruel people live here ... You broke my life =(
I want this card *-*
Babies have a sense of humor.
Forte belt
Skunk and a very scary story
Russian Railways disrupted the May holidays in Kazan!