Serufim112 comments

16-August-2015 Sunday
About atheists and believers.

15-August-2015 Saturday
MLP maps for the game Hearstone.

15-August-2015 Saturday
I seem to be a separatist

15-August-2015 Saturday
This girl was sent home today from school in Kentucky..

15-August-2015 Saturday
Checkmate, women!

10-August-2015 Monday
What people won't do for GTA 5

09-August-2015 Sunday
Too stupid to understand science?

23-July-2015 Thursday

20-July-2015 Monday
Talented medical students, respond!

19-July-2015 Sunday
About reading fiction

19-July-2015 Sunday
StopHam - Such a rotten "personal life" with a lover when she slept

18-July-2015 Saturday
11 Cheapest Greek Islands You Can Buy Right Now

03-July-2015 Friday
Love story

21-June-2015 Sunday
How to make a gamer paint the walls.

21-June-2015 Sunday
Girls of our time
