25-June-2024 Tuesday
Can the courier eat food that the recipient has refused?

16-June-2024 Sunday
I worked as a walking courier for Yandex.Delivery - I share my observations

12-June-2024 Wednesday
Dear newcomers to the delivery industry and everyone who is interested in this topic!

12-June-2024 Wednesday
How to choose a park to work as a Yandex courier? My personal experience

07-June-2024 Friday
I almost left a client without money - how I refused to complete an order and saved a gullible grandmother from scammers

28-May-2024 Tuesday
Working as a Yandex.Delivery courier: what is important to know in 2024?

24-May-2024 Friday
It’s my own fault: how I ran into a fine from Yandex.Delivery simply because I wanted to help the client

19-May-2024 Sunday
Scandals, intrigues, investigations? No, this is a job as a Yandex.Delivery courier...
