worst comments
Me at 12 and me at 20 :)
No one will know my age or who I am anyway ;D
How to fool a pedophile!
And the truth)
Sometimes people surprise...
Me at 12 and me at 20 :)
Women driving.
How to fool a pedophile!
Punishment on the Sandwich Islands, Hawaii, 1840
A waiter buys food and feeds a disabled person in Karachi, Pakistan.
Surely everyone had this - you try to fasten the bracelet, and the ends slip out of your fingers.
Good afternoon, peek-a-boo, dark times have come in mine, or rather, I would say "blue".
And the truth)
Remember only the good
German is so German
Who's going to see this movie tonight?
I have an idea)
I have an idea)
Can you explain please
Continuing the theme of parting with a girl.
Peekaboo! Help)
I just want to show off
And today is my birthday) And that's what they gave me))))
I swear I didn't trade!
I swear I didn't trade!
That feeling..when you just stop in Gothic 3 and enjoy wonderful music))
And the truth)
The peek-a-boo logic got to me too...
Hello Peekaboo!!! Did you miss? I have a continuation of the story...
My dog ??is amazing
My dog ??is amazing
baba and pms
Americans compare Putin and Obama
Most original video
Help the idiot!
Bought my dream!
... they haven't let me go home for a long time ...
... they haven't let me go home for a long time ...
... they haven't let me go home for a long time ...
Tragedy in the Lviv Circus
Have you ever seen a happier dog face?
Did you know?
I am looking for those who can draw and have nothing to do) comment for cons - inside.
About girls
scammed over the phone for money. help urgently
This is probably the "macro" feature.
Guys need advice in a relationship ... Broke up with a girl ... return or not?
I have an idea)
Continuing the theme of parting with a girl.
Continuing the theme of parting with a girl.
Got sick
You don't have to be like this...
I have an idea)
A bit of nationalism. :) Found on the Internet)