SchastlivOdin comments

[11] [2] [1]

09-March-2016 Wednesday
Another comic floccinaucinihilipilificationa - Dumbledore

18-February-2016 Thursday
Everyone thinks about Russia

18-February-2016 Thursday
Not confused Travolta

27-January-2016 Wednesday
Interesting facts about furniture.

13-January-2016 Wednesday
21st century child vs alien technology

04-January-2016 Monday
Why do we love volleyball?

02-January-2016 Saturday
I found this game in the attic, it's definitely a game, right?

01-January-2016 Friday
Why not?

29-December-2015 Tuesday
Video proof

21-December-2015 Monday
Oh, this incomprehensible Russia

15-December-2015 Tuesday
Did you know?

06-December-2015 Sunday
San Francisco police in turmoil

05-December-2015 Saturday
Cartoon freeze frame redrawing by kitt2506

05-December-2015 Saturday
Pikabu, please help.

05-December-2015 Saturday
What do the children of my upstairs neighbors play with?

05-December-2015 Saturday
Juno (2007)

11-August-2014 Monday
Jean-Bidel Bokassa - the cannibal emperor!

[11] [2] [1]
