SaysMaxim comments, page 7

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23-November-2017 Thursday
An ingenious solution to the problem from the UK

19-November-2017 Sunday
The owner of the stolen car complained about the inaction of the police in three regions of Russia at once

16-November-2017 Thursday
Those mustaches....

03-November-2017 Friday
When you sober up and remember that you are a law-abiding citizen

02-November-2017 Thursday
"Being white is normal" - flash mob in the USA

31-October-2017 Tuesday
Everything will be

29-October-2017 Sunday
Yes, we found those drugs, and we're taking them back to the base to destroy them.

21-October-2017 Saturday
The heroine we deserve

12-October-2017 Thursday
Racism and genes

01-October-2017 Sunday
My Annie played and had fun with the neighbor's dog over the fence every day, and today they finally met

17-September-2017 Sunday
On sports

17-September-2017 Sunday
Beautiful logo.

17-September-2017 Sunday

16-September-2017 Saturday

16-September-2017 Saturday
Fantastic photos of Saturn taken by Cassini

14-September-2017 Thursday
Arapaima scales (Arapaima gigas) - 18 times stronger than bone. Even piranhas, the neighbors of these unusual fish, are not able to bite through it.

08-September-2017 Friday
Taxi and gypsies

07-September-2017 Thursday

05-September-2017 Tuesday
Rita returned

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