19-April-2016 Tuesday
Sleep more carefully ... you never know ...
05-February-2016 Friday
Pikabu, what's wrong with you?
17-November-2015 Tuesday
A little about Maxim...
23-September-2015 Wednesday
Apple loves Rick too
28-July-2015 Tuesday
It seems we began to forget ...
08-July-2015 Wednesday
A touch of philosophy... and students.
08-July-2015 Wednesday
A moment of addiction...
09-June-2015 Tuesday
Kiss on the belly...
08-June-2015 Monday
Official hooves.
22-May-2015 Friday
Urgent room
07-April-2015 Tuesday
write yourself
18-March-2015 Wednesday
A little about Yeti.
18-February-2015 Wednesday
5 rather unusual and funny instagram accounts.
13-February-2015 Friday
The Flight of the Headless Horseman
10-February-2015 Tuesday
By the way...
08-February-2015 Sunday
I don’t really like Evening Urgant, but ...
03-February-2015 Tuesday
A minute of racism
28-January-2015 Wednesday
Have you seen WiFi?
27-January-2015 Tuesday
A Chinese sage said:
23-January-2015 Friday
Someone draw a bear
23-January-2015 Friday
Something like this.
12-January-2015 Monday
All with the end of the first working day of the new working year!
08-January-2015 Thursday
to my subscribers!
08-December-2014 Monday
How to make non-alcoholic gin and tonic?
04-December-2014 Thursday
Well, you know what to do...