Sapfirah comments

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12-May-2013 Sunday
Boiled, advise .. The problem with the parents.

11-May-2013 Saturday
A few words about CNN, America and so on.

07-May-2013 Tuesday
It also happens ... an athlete is an alcoholic

05-May-2013 Sunday
May 6 rallies?

03-May-2013 Friday
A selection of animations on the theme of NOPE

01-May-2013 Wednesday
Read and give good advice

29-April-2013 Monday
ahah, little sister pleases ....))))

27-April-2013 Saturday
Dear visitors of

19-April-2013 Friday
Do you know the "language" of cutlery?

06-April-2013 Saturday
Why was my girlfriend mad at me?

01-April-2013 Monday
"Excellent" joke from the administration of the city of Bendery, Transnistria.

01-April-2013 Monday
How to remember passwords

01-April-2013 Monday
And you say the Inquisition...

02-March-2013 Saturday
On the rights of smokers.

02-March-2013 Saturday
One of those days when I am ESPECIALLY proud of our country!..

22-February-2013 Friday
Maybe I'm dumb...but

21-February-2013 Thursday
Who was in the lessons of history - will understand.

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