25-November-2024 Monday
How is Boeing doing, with its engineers mysteriously disappearing all the time?
25-November-2024 Monday
I really wanted to brag
25-November-2024 Monday
When you forget that it's the final stop and don't get off
25-November-2024 Monday
It's funny
24-November-2024 Sunday
10+2 Reasons Not to Buy RVs from the USA
23-November-2024 Saturday
"Why are you so fussing about this victory!"
22-November-2024 Friday
While 51% of Russians who have no savings are discussing the "nut", the rate of the dirty green paper has broken 100. That's all
21-November-2024 Thursday
Pizza with olives for birthday
20-November-2024 Wednesday
His father raised him to hate Russians... An interesting quote from "Svejk"
20-November-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "We are poor people"
19-November-2024 Tuesday
Norwegian Neo-Nazi Anders Breivik Shaves Z's On His Head
19-November-2024 Tuesday
Innovations about lost time
19-November-2024 Tuesday
The attitude of the "younger generation" to the SVO
19-November-2024 Tuesday
Reply to DaaaK in "Explanation for residents of Ukraine"
17-November-2024 Sunday
Top Reddit Posts of the Week #4
15-November-2024 Friday
Mobilized on September 22, serving to this day. I can and know what to write about. Should I?
15-November-2024 Friday
Should We Have Started SVO? A Business Perspective
15-November-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Women 35+ are not needed by anyone?"
15-November-2024 Friday
Ukrainians, surrender
14-November-2024 Thursday
Vladimir Prokhvatilov about Abkhazia