Samarskiyparen comments, page 2
09-September-2019 Monday
Bilan scared the residents of Samara with his inappropriate behavior during a speech at the bottom of the city
11-August-2019 Sunday
A fascinating process of choosing almost licensed discs of any content, Moscow, "Gorbushka" 1999.
09-July-2019 Tuesday
Photos of the 90s (Famous people).
11-March-2019 Monday
Added some action to the foggy morning of Samara...
09-February-2019 Saturday
When you're a skater at heart
06-February-2019 Wednesday
An inventor from Chelyabinsk made an underground elevator for a car
06-February-2019 Wednesday
Administration house.
04-February-2019 Monday
In a Parisian store, during the renovation, they found a bricked-up painting of the 17th century.
04-February-2019 Monday
Ronaldo is also angry