worst comments
That's how I imagined him.
How a young girl broke a thousand-year-old way of life in Sicily...
Future judge and unreadable license plates
Yes and no at all
How to deal with automatic transmission
Without words
"I was looking for two missing railroad parts for a long time until my wife told me I was an idiot."
About the necessary defense, qualified by the investigation as murder
Well done
And neighbors again
All this is sad.
Without words
According to statistics ...
St. Petersburg vs Tourists
In the Leningrad region, they found a bottle with messages from schoolchildren forty-five years ago ...
Phone after discharge continued to work in debt
For the glory of the proletariat!
They prick their own with protein, then they rush at people
Russian Post can pleasantly surprise
In Moscow, without English, nowhere.
Meanwhile in Thailand
Without words
It was-became.
Indeed, a small defect.
And we are with you, are you?
Parking and taxi driver
I did!!!)