SaganKate comments

13-December-2016 Tuesday
I decided to try myself as an aquagrimer. I don't know if it worked or not)

07-March-2016 Monday
The whole point of a bike path in my city…

04-January-2016 Monday
With care for children.

02-January-2016 Saturday
When there are only two letters "O" in the children's magnetic alphabet

24-October-2015 Saturday
My hobby

29-July-2015 Wednesday
Severe Chita bumper

27-July-2015 Monday
This is the first car

22-July-2015 Wednesday

22-July-2015 Wednesday
The worker is on fire.

11-July-2015 Saturday
Tin on railway crossings (selection)

11-July-2015 Saturday
Designer night light

11-July-2015 Saturday
Pikabushniki and pikabushniki of Chelyabinsk!

10-July-2015 Friday
A little creativity

10-July-2015 Friday
Such is the advertisement.

10-July-2015 Friday
Went with a friend yesterday for cherries, collected about 30 kilos

10-July-2015 Friday
The photo

03-June-2015 Wednesday
I brag a little.

03-June-2015 Wednesday
If they go down. Then the next customer will have to eat sausages in the form of balls.
