SadOldDad comments

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21-June-2024 Friday
Will an ordinary person be able to buy an apartment?

19-June-2024 Wednesday
Eh, okay, I’ll brag about it to you in the comments)

17-June-2024 Monday
Notes of a (not) young father, part twelve, feelings of guilt and feelings of hatred

16-June-2024 Sunday
Notes of a (not) young father, part eleven, should a father?

16-June-2024 Sunday
Notes from a (not) young father, part ten, how to keep your sanity and not go crazy

15-June-2024 Saturday
Notes from a (not) young father, part nine, get some sleep if you can

13-June-2024 Thursday
Notes of a (not) young father, part eight, when will it get easier?

12-June-2024 Wednesday
How do you cope with the realization that the country is fucked?

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Continuation of the post “Living at 30 years old in your parents’ house - is it infantile?”

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Notes of a (not) young father, part seven, experience of previous generations

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Notes of a (not) young father, part six, a child is, first of all, a person

11-June-2024 Tuesday
Notes of a (not) young father, part five, dream

10-June-2024 Monday
Notes of a (not) young father, part four, vocabulary expansion

10-June-2024 Monday
Notes of a (not) young father, between the third and fourth parts, or - warning post

09-June-2024 Sunday
Notes of a (not) young father, part three: the beginning, or why this series was actually written

08-June-2024 Saturday
Notes of a (not) young father, part two - becoming one)

08-June-2024 Saturday
Notes of a (not) young father, part one

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