STARter71rus posts

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23-April-2014 Wednesday
7 red lines

01-April-2014 Tuesday

27-March-2014 Thursday
Jedi Cat

06-March-2014 Thursday
Just the way I like it.

15-January-2014 Wednesday
"Paso Doble" (c)

05-January-2014 Sunday
My story and the easiest way to lose weight! Went to the army once

19-December-2013 Thursday
The essence of criticism on the Internet

16-December-2013 Monday
Thinking outside the box

06-November-2013 Wednesday
Hints, hints all around...

01-August-2013 Thursday
Old man. (found on a new working computer)

17-July-2013 Wednesday
It's clear why he chose the dark side

26-June-2013 Wednesday

23-June-2013 Sunday
Advertising wars of automobile giants

22-June-2013 Saturday
It seemed

21-June-2013 Friday
A.S. just left the matrix

21-June-2013 Friday
Everywhere there are

21-June-2013 Friday
A world of forgotten hope.

21-June-2013 Friday
to be honest, I expected it

21-June-2013 Friday
Terminator 5 Director's Cut

14-February-2013 Thursday
Everything is as usual. comments

06-February-2013 Wednesday
Weather, long post.

02-February-2013 Saturday

14-January-2013 Monday
Fucking weather. long post

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