SSON comments, page 4

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11-November-2023 Saturday
Mikhailov, Ryazan region.. Help!

06-October-2023 Friday
PNRPU scientists have developed a robot design that will help prevent accidents and environmental disasters

14-July-2023 Friday
Unexpected meeting

27-April-2023 Thursday

16-January-2023 Monday
The answer to the post “MAGNET stew FOR 25 RUBLES CANNOT BE AND CAN YOU SELL?”

09-December-2022 Friday
The victory of communism is inevitable!

28-November-2022 Monday
The second time you won't be able to see it

28-November-2022 Monday
What ran past, recipe # 1

20-November-2022 Sunday
Reply to "Morning"

18-November-2022 Friday
My memories

18-November-2022 Friday
I thought that I saw all the Soviet cartoons, but no: "Son of a Stone", 1982

14-November-2022 Monday
Luzgan's response to "Like that commercial"

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