SHaruhi comments, page 2

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09-December-2013 Monday
Music selection from Peekaboo

29-November-2013 Friday
MDC is migrating here?

15-November-2013 Friday
If your girlfriend is a Potter addict... well, you understand what to do)

19-October-2013 Saturday
Give each other hugs!

16-October-2013 Wednesday

16-September-2013 Monday
Some facts about horror movies

15-September-2013 Sunday
Shadow (1994)

08-September-2013 Sunday
Why don't men ask for directions

30-August-2013 Friday
Due to recent events ...

05-August-2013 Monday
Best compliment

15-July-2013 Monday
Armavir sportsman became world champion

15-July-2013 Monday
Owen Harriot prank

11-July-2013 Thursday
A wonderful feature of sites with serials.

10-July-2013 Wednesday
Probably the best Game of Thrones fan video :)

08-July-2013 Monday
I want to go to Australia...

07-July-2013 Sunday
A case from childhood.

03-July-2013 Wednesday
How much money do you need to be happy?

01-July-2013 Monday
Almost blew...

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