SE1MrTonop comments, page 4

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16-October-2014 Thursday
How I received a package from minatavr pikabush

08-October-2014 Wednesday
It's simple.

08-August-2014 Friday
Out for a smoke :)

07-August-2014 Thursday

13-July-2014 Sunday
10 Strangest Objects in the Universe

05-July-2014 Saturday
Caring for your teeth part 1. Caries.

05-July-2014 Saturday
How I worked at school for one year (end)

11-June-2014 Wednesday
Unusual things

29-May-2014 Thursday
Half-James Half-Bond

28-May-2014 Wednesday
What is the strength in, brother?! A case from one's life.

24-May-2014 Saturday
My 14 year old friend...

23-May-2014 Friday
First sunrise at work

23-May-2014 Friday
New search service Sputnik....

19-May-2014 Monday
The Wrath of Darth Cookie

11-May-2014 Sunday
50 calm rock songs with an explosive chorus/ending

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