SDS1988 comments, page 2

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30-July-2018 Monday
Well people, well, f*ck your mother(

12-December-2017 Tuesday
When you know how to lure customers!

14-October-2016 Friday
In the bathroom

19-July-2016 Tuesday
Soon it will be commonplace.

10-June-2016 Friday
When you're riding down Park Avenue on a rental bike and there's Obama

09-June-2016 Thursday

09-June-2016 Thursday
Service center scam

23-December-2015 Wednesday
Looking for movie

04-December-2015 Friday
Pride Prejudice Zombie - Russian Trailer (2016)

24-November-2015 Tuesday
Scutosaurus ("shield-lizard") is a genus of armored pareiasaurs that lived about 254-252 million years ago in what is now Russia.

30-September-2015 Wednesday
And a knight's move on the head ...

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