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20-November-2017 Monday
Here are the boobies.

16-November-2017 Thursday
In the wake of posts about betrayal, I remembered a joke ...

27-October-2017 Friday
Be afraid, be afraid of Caucasian doctors!

27-October-2017 Friday
Relatives - one word, many problems!

27-October-2017 Friday
From the life of an ambulance.

26-October-2017 Thursday
Life truth

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Caring car service

18-October-2017 Wednesday
How not to lose heart and do what you like

17-October-2017 Tuesday
Getting to know each other #2

17-October-2017 Tuesday
Pork knuckle... Fat post!

17-October-2017 Tuesday
But there is nothing to be afraid of.

30-August-2017 Wednesday
Funny incident in a cafe

30-August-2017 Wednesday
Sochi, is that you?

24-April-2017 Monday
Threw on a peekaboo

22-February-2017 Wednesday
In the spring, this thing washed up on the river.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
How are transformer substations (TP) arranged?

14-January-2016 Thursday
The 2016 Oscar nominations have been announced.

14-January-2016 Thursday
Challenging business

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