worst comments
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
What only Sidorovich will not go for the sake of extra money
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
Why didn't I go to Israel?
2017 is declared the year of ecology in Russia. Greetings from the Urals
Three dates, after which I never went on dating sites.
Features of national fitness.
Scammers using public Wi-Fi for their shady dealings found in Moscow metro
Orthodoxy of the brain or stereotyped thinking
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
Yandex.Disk promo code for 10GB
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
Explosion in Kamenka, view from Chistye Ruchi
Durov's statement regarding the blocking of Telegram
We are responsible for those we have tamed
Orthodoxy of the brain or stereotyped thinking
Like glued, barely pulled
Excavator Bucket Teeth
I hate snacks!!!
Fuck me here
First Lady of the United States
"Strong business executives" destroyed trees on the embankment of Chelyabinsk
In Tyumen, the police detained the guard of the mall, who did not let the man in without a QR code
Scammers using public Wi-Fi for their shady dealings found in Moscow metro
Compact mirrorless
Why didn't I go to Israel?
Why didn't I go to Israel?
Excavator Bucket Teeth
Happy Anniversary, Generalissimo!
Do not believe, do not be afraid: in the US there is an emergency service for atheists
We just saw live how Putin broke the rules
Shame on women.
Help advice on photos of lightning
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
At work, in the women's restroom.
The depth of our depths
The depth of our depths
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
In Tyumen, the police detained the guard of the mall, who did not let the man in without a QR code
How far from the stops should be the transition between them?
Big knife for big things
New wiring
Explain to me fool please
Why didn't I go to Israel?
Truthful and free Russian language
About the most unsuccessful first dates 3 (about girls)
I thought this wouldn't happen to me...
Excavator Bucket Teeth
Men's logic
How my photo was stolen from VK and then shown on TV
Secret inheritance from grandfather (very long post)
Accident near Tambov. Turner against the flyer. A passenger died.
Happy Anniversary, Generalissimo!
Amateur nude picture from Brjuseg #1
RKN vs.
Peskov - as a pirate translator.
Question to the "fighters with the system"
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
My acquaintance with "fems"
Big knife for big things
Big knife for big things
Big knife for big things
Big knife for big things
New wiring
Is it possible to develop tourism at metallurgical plants in Chelyabinsk?
Interesting statistic for those in a relationship. (USA)
Severe Chelyabinsk strippers.
The city is in trouble...
The city is in trouble...
The city is in trouble...
The city is in trouble...
To download from torrents, you need to be an experienced pirate
Strong independent
My acquaintance with "fems"
This is fog.
A real holiday has come to Chelyabinsk
Infographics about the situation with repressions in the world.
About the Cyclopes
My acquaintance with "fems"
My acquaintance with "fems"
The US Department of Defense has figured out how to deal with Russian hypersonic missiles.
Why didn't I go to Israel?
Digging tool
Pikabush, you need to decide
The job is to save ships.
Awesome song (in Ukrainian)
A man first flew into space on a private spacecraft
Idiocy or dead souls?
Help advice on photos of lightning
"What made you break up with the person you were ready to marry/marry?"
I think I know where my next apartment will be
I want to understand and let go of the past
Members of the "League of Photographers"
25 years of revolution. This is how "democracy" began.
About model "schools"
2017 is declared the year of ecology in Russia. Greetings from the Urals
From the controversy about homosexuality.
How are concrete blocks allowed for construction?????
Photo contest