Ruslan285 posts

27-June-2024 Thursday
Answer by Anonymous to “What instantly killed your crush on a person?”

07-March-2024 Thursday
Koroziablo's answer to How old are you and what is your biggest problem in life right now?

06-July-2023 Thursday
Everyday life of a cook

21-June-2023 Wednesday
Everyday life of a cook

14-June-2023 Wednesday
Everyday life of a cook

13-June-2023 Tuesday
Everyday life of a cook

13-June-2023 Tuesday
Everyday life of a cook

13-June-2023 Tuesday
Sharing beautiful Lola

13-June-2023 Tuesday

19-February-2019 Tuesday
In continuation of the post about Tas

21-January-2019 Monday
Creation of a league of pick-up towns.

08-August-2018 Wednesday
And again Yandex taxi ...

11-June-2018 Monday
How do I rent a room

05-February-2018 Monday
Bad weather has arrived
