Rupormoscow posts, page 3

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05-November-2020 Thursday
Post #7814520

04-November-2020 Wednesday
Post #7812123

30-October-2020 Friday
Protesters were detained at the French Embassy in Moscow

17-October-2020 Saturday
Protests in Khabarovsk continue. Live broadcast

10-October-2020 Saturday
Protests in Khabarovsk continue. People are against the “lawlessness” of the riot police. Live broadcast

04-October-2020 Sunday
An opposition protest rally will take place in Minsk. Live broadcast

03-October-2020 Saturday
Memorial event in connection with the anniversary of the execution of the Supreme Council in Moscow. Live broadcast

22-September-2020 Tuesday
Student protest at the State Duma of the Russian Federation: “For scholarships!” Live broadcast

08-September-2020 Tuesday
Announcement of the verdict to actor Mikhail Efremov. Live broadcast

05-September-2020 Saturday
Protest in Khabarovsk in support of Sergei Furgal. Live broadcast

24-August-2020 Monday
Representatives of the Omsk Ministry of Health comment on the results of Alexei Navalny’s treatment. Live broadcast

22-August-2020 Saturday
The situation at the hospital in Berlin where Alexei Navalny is located. Live broadcast

22-August-2020 Saturday
Alexei Navalny will be taken to Berlin for treatment. Broadcast from Berlin

20-August-2020 Thursday
Action in support of Alexei Navalny in Moscow. Live broadcast

20-August-2020 Thursday
URGENT! Alexey Navalny fell into a coma after possible poisoning. Video

18-August-2020 Tuesday
The protest in Khabarovsk in support of Sergei Furgal continues. Live broadcast

17-August-2020 Monday
Rally of opposition supporters near the temporary detention center on Akrestsin Street in Minsk. Live broadcast

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