Rufim comments, page 2

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25-March-2014 Tuesday
People like the author of this article sow discord between Ukrainians and Russians

25-March-2014 Tuesday
The first fruits of the new government

25-March-2014 Tuesday
Well this is fucked up comrades

25-March-2014 Tuesday
In light of recent events ...

24-March-2014 Monday
Peekaboo, turning into a platform for propaganda

24-March-2014 Monday
About boiled.

24-March-2014 Monday
NATO is seriously frightened by the possible advance of the Russian Federation to the West

24-March-2014 Monday

23-March-2014 Sunday
I want to be a patriot...

23-March-2014 Sunday
)) Great Ukry

23-March-2014 Sunday
And again politics.

23-March-2014 Sunday
Kyiv began large-scale gas production

22-March-2014 Saturday
How it was (maybe a stuffing, but cool)

22-March-2014 Saturday
Fifth column. Selling the territory of Russia together with people. And their children.

22-March-2014 Saturday
Koto countries O_o

22-March-2014 Saturday
Are the Russians getting brainwashed?

22-March-2014 Saturday
About the "Brotherly" peoples.

22-March-2014 Saturday
The situation in Ukraine reminded me of a song.

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