RobertasS posts

08-May-2018 Tuesday
About Gardner in your answers in the city.

07-May-2018 Monday
Yes, I already understood everything.

06-May-2018 Sunday
Death comes to pikabushs in the form of an Old Man with a big Minus.

02-May-2018 Wednesday
Death comes to pikabushs in the form of an Old Woman with a big Minus.

01-May-2018 Tuesday
Kind doctor Aibolitili doctor Livsi or doctor Mengele?

26-April-2018 Thursday
Me and pikabu

26-April-2018 Thursday
Tomorrow I have a day off.

17-April-2018 Tuesday
I wanted to answer someone in the topic, but I lost the thread of the discussion. Something about the main question.

12-April-2018 Thursday
Have you read Gardner?

31-March-2018 Saturday
TV advertising
