worst comments
"Wait a minute, I'm just a woman"
Transshipment base of terrorists was liquidated in the Moscow region.
The only reasonable person from the gang who takes the gun to the showdown
Thanks Automation!
When your lover is king
Chet, even is not enough, can you put some salt?
No room for error
Went to the bottom
Matriarchy is not your slippers
The system is broken
Generation P
When you're into fashion
Hasta la vista
Fashion vs Diet vs Common Sense vs Social Media
Pokatushki at the Ingush wedding
To the general court
Voice control in PHP
The teenager forced his parents to ask him for forgiveness on their knees
Irma please accept this offering!
So Friday
How I painted to order: a monster in a cave (cover picture for a musician from the band Embrace the Dawn)
Chaos Warriors