02-February-2023 Thursday
The richest MAN in Russia (unfortunately died)
24-January-2023 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "Mom was just joking"
14-January-2023 Saturday
We are on the TV channel "Zoo TV"
13-January-2023 Friday
13-January-2023 Friday
Protect yourself properly
13-January-2023 Friday
Under 18 - neither
09-January-2023 Monday
bullshit warning
08-January-2023 Sunday
God punished
06-January-2023 Friday
plush capybara
02-January-2023 Monday
Muscle mass
02-January-2023 Monday
too hard
01-January-2023 Sunday
How to entertain a man in bed if you have already tried all the simple options)
29-December-2022 Thursday
Glue film?
29-December-2022 Thursday
So that's what VR is for :)
29-December-2022 Thursday
Go to the groomer
28-December-2022 Wednesday
Plasticine characters from a 37 year old girl
23-December-2022 Friday
16-December-2022 Friday
andruxar's answer to "@Buslik94's answer to "Well, since such a booze has gone, one of my favorite jokes"/"
11-December-2022 Sunday
10-December-2022 Saturday