ResOrMien comments, page 12

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03-September-2014 Wednesday
Great Chinese (Ukrainian) Wall

03-September-2014 Wednesday
Will the Novorossiya army stop? ps Minus throwers are turned on at full power

03-September-2014 Wednesday
They write that we are not friendly to migrants ...

03-September-2014 Wednesday
Apparently bad knowledge

03-September-2014 Wednesday
Georgievka (LPR) was liberated by the militia. Good trophies were taken (4 "Rapier" cannons and 4 120-mm mortars),

03-September-2014 Wednesday
DONBASS will move you

03-September-2014 Wednesday
News: Obama called Russia an aggressor state in Estonia

03-September-2014 Wednesday
I'll have to come up with even more dishes based on vodka, salt and matches ... morons.

03-September-2014 Wednesday
Rusty bucket :)

03-September-2014 Wednesday
Hohlostan buys coal in AFRICA!!!

03-September-2014 Wednesday
What is the situation now?

02-September-2014 Tuesday
And again the Pskov division

02-September-2014 Tuesday
Other poems from a Ukrainian woman. heartbreaking

02-September-2014 Tuesday
Ukraine for a month will daily disconnect Crimea from energy supplies

02-September-2014 Tuesday
Household news from Odessa.

02-September-2014 Tuesday
In Nikolaev, relatives of servicemen are blocking the departure of the latter to Donbass.

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