Reor comments
13-March-2018 Tuesday
Thank you pikab
12-March-2018 Monday
In Irkutsk, fake car numbers almost caused a divorce
24-February-2018 Saturday
Eat for health! (hospital food)
20-February-2018 Tuesday
Genius Apothecary
28-January-2018 Sunday
knitted bunnies
23-January-2018 Tuesday
5000 Gratitude (dedicated to my subscribers).
04-September-2017 Monday
31-May-2017 Wednesday
Letter, hieroglyph and action
29-May-2017 Monday
Cunning employees of the MTS salon
15-January-2017 Sunday
Nursery sadistic rhymes
10-January-2017 Tuesday
The price of life is 705 rubles
16-June-2016 Thursday
Something is wrong here.
12-April-2016 Tuesday
Please help me find a cure.
12-April-2016 Tuesday
I'm an engineer with my mother
09-March-2016 Wednesday
A hot waffle iron fell on my hand
07-March-2016 Monday
League of Good, help create a handmade miracle!
23-July-2015 Thursday
Indiana Jones