19-March-2019 Tuesday
How can a neural network feed a picture?
07-November-2018 Wednesday
Need experience of people creating neural networks in Python
04-November-2018 Sunday
Tulpa and Vondez
30-July-2018 Monday
Second day
29-July-2018 Sunday
Holy spirit in action.
22-July-2018 Sunday
Let's talk about tulpas
18-July-2018 Wednesday
Tulpa breeding: questions about killing tulpas, Gemini and more.
06-July-2018 Friday
"Sex with a tulpa, immoral?"
28-May-2018 Monday
Meet the Herman \ Tulpamanship: how not to lose your mind against the background of a tulpa.
02-February-2018 Friday
Why you should not create a tulpa and generally experiment with brains.
22-August-2017 Tuesday