17-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Gi***r has already had all this. Godwin's Law in action"
17-December-2024 Tuesday
Regarding the explosion in Moscow, where the head of the NBC protection General Kirillov and his assistant Major Polikarpov were killed
15-December-2024 Sunday
Side effects of circumcision
14-December-2024 Saturday
I'll try anonymously for the first time
14-December-2024 Saturday
We will not be given awards and the Motherland will not know about us
14-December-2024 Saturday
Sometimes the arrow turns: Lithuanian woman removed from World Fitness Championships due to anti-Russian T-shirt
14-December-2024 Saturday
Turkey can too!
13-December-2024 Friday
13-December-2024 Friday
There is no one to work
13-December-2024 Friday
I remember a wonderful moment...
12-December-2024 Thursday
My city is waiting for liberation
12-December-2024 Thursday
Thank you guys
12-December-2024 Thursday
Mother of Chechen teenager Murdiyev asks Bastrykin for an honest investigation
11-December-2024 Wednesday
Classic Ryls scenario
11-December-2024 Wednesday
They are different
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to Vladimir1924 in “Kadafi”
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Wiped away a stingy male tear...
10-December-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Abkhazia without electricity"
10-December-2024 Tuesday
"Unauthorized training"
09-December-2024 Monday
Petrosyan gave out the database