RedCave comments, page 5

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25-September-2014 Thursday
Sorry, got it

28-August-2014 Thursday
I was just walking around Kinopoisk...

12-August-2014 Tuesday
everything is fine in Ukraine

28-June-2014 Saturday

07-June-2014 Saturday
What's going on here?

24-May-2014 Saturday
ambitious duck

20-May-2014 Tuesday
"My friend's dog fought with a leaf blower."

08-May-2014 Thursday
Life in Samara is not sweet

07-May-2014 Wednesday
About the difficulties of acting in our days.

26-April-2014 Saturday
"Who you gonna call?"

21-April-2014 Monday
Monkey Waiter

16-March-2014 Sunday
If you like Russia so much, then go there.

08-March-2014 Saturday
The Ukrainians called on Sub-Zero to fight on their side!

07-March-2014 Friday
Bad Russian! Oh no no no!

25-January-2014 Saturday
book as a gift

16-November-2013 Saturday
Like this

30-October-2013 Wednesday

28-October-2013 Monday

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