RealHasla posts

28-August-2013 Wednesday
That feeling when you got out of the rating at minus 140... And now you can write comments)

28-August-2013 Wednesday

28-August-2013 Wednesday
I will give advice on penis enlargement at home with a screwdriver, an aloe leaf and a vacuum cleaner ... Nada?

28-August-2013 Wednesday
I made an iron man costume from papier mache)

28-August-2013 Wednesday
I am fond of paper crafting) Check it out)

27-August-2013 Tuesday
I don't know what to think...

27-August-2013 Tuesday
Posons, in the previous post I was joking about explosives. Just wanted to see your reaction...

27-August-2013 Tuesday
Worked for a long time and finally finished drawing)

26-August-2013 Monday

25-August-2013 Sunday
Pick-up headphones ...

25-August-2013 Sunday
I finally finished drawing ... I'm very happy about this)

24-August-2013 Saturday
I'm 35, I'm single and no one loves me...just wanted to share...

24-August-2013 Saturday
Plz go to my profile and you will find a lot of posts for minuses, feel free to minus

24-August-2013 Saturday
That feeling when you have two followers

09-August-2013 Friday
gta san andreas

06-August-2013 Tuesday
What do you dislike about the previous post? Everything is clear!

06-August-2013 Tuesday
How to make cosplay items (detailed version)

06-August-2013 Tuesday
How to make things for cosplay and more. Part 1
