best comments
When you are bored at the airport
Looking for a book
When you are bored at the airport
Boris the cat
When you won the secret competition
Microsoft, you are fucking
Girls und panzer
Power socket
Yazhemat and barbershop
A healthy lifestyle is good, but you went too far with the propaganda.
Anonymity in the army.
Is high heart rate trending?
After swimming...
Sketch of the evening working area
What do St. Petersburg students eat? Day 1
Girls und panzer
Is high heart rate trending?
We'll kill ourselves to spite ourselves
Prison (Comic by Down The Upward Spiral)
feed the pig
Looking for a book
Saving a goose from a mussel
The puppy sat on the cat's head
My job!
Criminal dogmas of the fairy tale "Morozko"
Origami Rose Cube with Cutie Marks
What for?
Safety first
How much are high relationships worth today?
How much are high relationships worth today?
For what...?
My daughter died on her sixth birthday.
Belief in miracles
A bit of bathurt for psychologists.
A bit of bathurt for psychologists.
Choo choo motherfucker
Education at NRNU MEPhI
Reduced alcohol consumption
Something interesting is happening in Oryol
Not interesting but true...
Help h 1
Infanticide is a guarantee of PARADISE*
"Revenge of the Frenemy"
Barrier filters
Creative advertising.
Earth, forgive us.
Earth, forgive us.
Do you want to make an idiot out of a child?
Scientists: Inside Neptune and Uranus laid exotic substances
Checked the boyan...
Domestic dogs bite 5-year-old girl to death in Latvia
Daily crypto, this time worse