Rastabastas posts, page 2

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03-November-2015 Tuesday
Warcraft movie teaser

13-October-2015 Tuesday
The whole essence of the church in one clip.

08-August-2015 Saturday
What is love

28-June-2015 Sunday
Shary about the war.

24-June-2015 Wednesday
Look after your moles

09-April-2015 Thursday
Was there a girl?

18-March-2015 Wednesday
Kyrgyzstani tells how he fought in Ukraine

13-March-2015 Friday
Finding your roots

12-February-2015 Thursday
Today's shelling of Lugansk

20-December-2014 Saturday
Actual for Donbass

28-August-2014 Thursday
An outpouring of the soul of a Ukrainian.

17-August-2014 Sunday
Shame on me

28-July-2014 Monday
Incredible adventures of a Ukrainian in Russia

04-July-2014 Friday
Shelling of the National

02-July-2014 Wednesday
Shelling by Ukrainian aircraft, Stanitsa-Luganskaya (~ 15 km from Luhansk)

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