best comments
What does a kitchen look like under ultraviolet light?
Shower Thoughts. Issue 19
Good Omens Poster
Saltychikha would get 25... probably
Maybe I don't understand something.
Saltychikha would get 25... probably
Fascinating tests of the new nuclear power unit
"Notes from Drug Control". Note 8: The whiny leader of the organized crime group.
When to really think
What are you willing to do for sex?
Sorting algorithm
Hawaii. Geologist explanation.
Saltychikha would get 25... probably
Reply to the post “Post of admiration for your spouse”
The regional court found the "coach on the couch" guilty, but commuted the punishment.
Walking on water, or the Gospel Inside Out
Thank you
role wedding
Why do I love peek-a-boo
Insignificant signatures
Insignificant signatures
Thank you
When people are given a chance, they may not behave the way you expect.
When you parked your bomb in the wrong place
Available about quantum mechanics
When my wife had her wisdom tooth pulled out
When my wife had her wisdom tooth pulled out
Not only Groundhog Day - good films about the “time loop” effect
Insignificant signatures
If long long long....
When people are given a chance, they may not behave the way you expect.