RandomSky posts

18-December-2022 Sunday
Headache and nicotine when kissing

22-August-2022 Monday
Reply to the post “Who invited and pays????”

14-February-2022 Monday
Daily interventions

23-January-2022 Sunday
Extension cord and TB

20-August-2021 Friday
Aeroflot Non-Bonus

30-June-2021 Wednesday
Looking for an old cartoon or anime about a detective(?)-robot(?) - (Probably found)

30-June-2021 Wednesday
Sign up for Subscription Protection...

15-April-2019 Monday
Emergency exit in complete safety

14-December-2018 Friday
Advertising in Russian realities

10-December-2018 Monday
Sausages for the National Guard: this is a twist

05-December-2018 Wednesday

17-November-2018 Saturday
Soap vs Shower Gel

17-April-2018 Tuesday
Information vacuum.

12-March-2018 Monday
A very subtle match.

14-September-2017 Thursday
Gotcha, Tele2!

01-September-2017 Friday
Why would he not have such a face

01-September-2017 Friday
Imposed services

28-August-2017 Monday
How fear is known

28-August-2017 Monday
The fog is finally gone.
